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Poha Cutlets

Poha cutlet is a tasty snack which you can prepare within few minutes. This is a dish can be made quickly when unexpected guests arrives your home also a dish that can be added in the menu of kitty parties. I like cutlets prepared from beetroots, potatoe and green peas and thought poha cutlet might not taste that great. After trying this dish for the first time I was wrong. Even cutlets prepared from poha taste in its own way. I prefer to make this dish when I am too hungry and I want something to be cooked very soon.
Do try this recipe and write your comments below. Also check other Cutlets recipe such as Beetroot Cutlets and Vegetable Cutlets.

Preparation Time : 20 min
Cooking Time : 20 minutes
Serves : 4


English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Flattened Rice
1 Cup
Boiled Potato
उबले आलू
2 Large Size
All Purpose Flour
सभी उद्देश्य आटा / मेडा
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
Red Chilli Powder
लाल मिर्च पाउडर
1/2 tsp
Garam Masala Powder
गरम मसाला पाउडर
1 tsp
Turmeric Powder
हल्दी पाउडर
¼ tsp
Grated Ginger
अदरक कटा हुआ
1 inch
Finely chopped Green Chillies
कटा हुआ हरी मिर्च
Black Pepper
¼ tsp
Bread Crumbs or Semolina
ब्रेडक्रम्ब्स या सूजी
For coating
To taste

Preparation :
  1. Boil the potato in a pressure cooker, peel off and mash well. Keep aside.
  2. Rinse flattened rice in a sieve and allow it to soak.
  3. In a small bowl add all purpose flour, water and little salt. Prepare a medium thick paste without any lumps.

Preparing the Batter :
  1. In a mixing bowl combine soaked flattened rice and mashed potatoes. Add red chilli powder, garam masala powder, turmeric powder, grated ginger, chopped green chillies, salt and black pepper crushed.
  2. Mix thoroughly and prepare like a thick dough. Your batter is ready to make cutlets.

Making Cutlets :
  1. Take lemon size mixture into hand give it a round shape and then flatten it. You can give a shape of your like.
  2. Dip the cutlet batter into all purpose flour paste, coat it with bread crumbs or semolina and shallow fry the cutlets.
  3. I have used semolina to make cutlets here. Flip the cutlets and fry both the sides until crisp and golden.
  4. Serve hot cutlets along with ketchup or mint chutney.
