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Spinach Soup / Palak Soup

I often like to have variety soup’s which makes me feel fresh and energetic. One of my favorite which I like most is palak soup. This is really very easy to prepare with few common ingredients which is always there in my pantry. The best moment for me to have soup is when it rains heavily throughout the day with dark cloudy environment. Being a native of coastal Karnataka where there will be four months heavy rainfall, I always like munching hot fritters with hot fiery soup’s.
Here is a recipe of spinach/palak soup I hope you will all like. Also do check other soup recipes such as restaurant style Tomato Soup, Cabbage Soup.

Preparation Time : 15 min
Cooking Time : 20 minutes
Serves : 4


English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Spinach Chopped
कटा हुआ पालक पत्ता
2 Cups
Garlic Cloves
1 Large
Bay Leaf
तेज पत्ता
Cumin Powder
जीरा पाउडर
½ tsp
Gram Flour
1 tbsp
Butter or olive oil
मक्खन या जैतून का तेल
1.5 tbsp
Crushed Black Pepper
कालीमिर्च का पाउडर
As required
2 Cups Water or as required
To taste

Preparation :

1.Rinse spinach leaves and roughly chop them. Keep aside.

2.Heat a kadai and add butter or oil for seasoning. Add finely chopped garlic, bay leaf and finely chopped onions.

3. Saute them till onion turns soft and golden. Add roughly chopped spinach leaves mix well and allow it to cook for 2-3 minutes.

4. The spinach leaves become pale and transparent. Now add gram flour, salt and water and boil till spinach leaves are partially cooked.

5. Add cumin powder and crushed black pepper, allow it to boil for few more seconds and turn off the flame.

6. Let this mixture get completely cooled. In a blender add this mixture and blend till you get smooth puree.

7.Transfer the puree to the same kadai and boil them in a medium flame. Add water if the puree is too thick and adjust till you get soup consistency. Add salt and pepper powder if required as per your taste.

8. Serve hot soup sprinkled with crushed black pepper or topped with paneer, grated cheese or with cream.

Note :

1.Gram flour is the reason to get a perfect soup consistency.
2. You can add corn flour or all purpose flour instead of gram flour.
