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Brinjal Tava Fry

Brinjal tava fry is the simplest dish that can be prepared with very few ingredients. The slices of brinjal is marinated with spice ingredient and shallow fried on tava or a pan. This is also healthy dish as it contains very less amount of oil and tastes delicious. You can add this in your menu list for lunch thali.

Preparation Time : 10 min
Cooking Time       : 10-15 min Per Batch
Serves                   : 3-4

Ingredients :

English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Red Chilli Powder
लाल मिर्च पाउडर
1 tbsp
A large pinch
Rice Flour
चावल का आटा
For coating
2 tbsp
To taste

Preparation :

  1. Cut brinjal into thin slices and wash well.
  2. Marinate the slices with red chilli powder and asafoetida for 10 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile heat a tava or frying pan on stove and grease it with oil.
  4. Add salt to the marinated slices and coat well with rice flour.
  5. Place coated slices of brinjal on tava and fry in simmer. Close the pan with a lid and after 5 minutes flip the slices.
  6. It will take 10 to 15 minutes per batch to cook both the sides.
  7. Remove on to plate and serve warm as a side dish for lunch.

Note :

If you add salt while marinating,after 10 minutes it leaves more water content and will lose spice flavor.
