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Bread Potato Rolls

Bread Potato Roll is a delicious snack dish which is very easy to prepare. A potato filling has been prepared and it is covered with the slice of bread (which is dipped in water and then squeezed) and then fried. This gives the perfect crispy roll  for the evening tea time and also a perfect party appetizer to serve for the guests. You can prepare this dish within half an hour and you require few ingredients in making bread rolls.

Preparation Time : 15 min
Cooking Time       : 15 min
Serves                   : 4


English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Bread Slices
ब्रेड स्लाइस
5 to 6
2 Medium Size
Green Peas
¼ Cup
Cumin Seeds
¼ tsp
Green Chilli
हरी मिर्च
Finely Chopped Ginger
कटा हुआ अदरक
1 tsp
Red Chilli Powder
लाल मिर्च पाउडर
1 tsp
Mango Powder
आमचूर पाउडर
½ tsp
Finely Chopped Coriander Leaves
कटा हुआ हरा धनिया
2 tsp
1 tsp + For frying
To taste


1)Boil,peel and mash the potatoes and keep aside. Also boil green peas which should not be over cooked and it should retain its size.
2)Prepare the potato filling and for that you need to heat a pan with 1 tsp oil. Add cumin seeds , minced green chilli, chopped ginger and sauté.
3)Add boiled and mashed potato along with boiled green peas and mix well. Also add red chilli powder, mango powder, salt and chopped coriander leaves.

4)Mix everything properly and check for the enough spice and salt, add if required. your filling is ready.

5)Take a small portion of filling into your hand and give an oval shape to it. Similarly repeat the procedure for remaining filling.

6)Take a slice of bread and trim its edges. Cut them into two pieces. Take a bowl filled with water and dip one side of the bread piece lightly into it.

7)Place the dipped bread piece between your palm, press and squeeze out the excess water. This is done to make bread moist.

8)Place the filling in the center of moist bread piece and mold the bread to completely cover the filling. You can stick extra moist bread pieces wherever there is uncovered area.

9)Cover all the filling with moist bread pieces and make preparation for deep frying the rolls.

10)Heat oil for deep frying and leave bread potato rolls one by one into oil. Fry them evenly all the sides till golden and crisp.

11)Serve hot bread potato rolls with tomato ketch up or any other chutney of your like.

  1. After dipping the bread piece into water squeeze it properly. Presence of water content makes roll soggy and absorb more oil.
  2. Fry the rolls in a medium flame to avoid getting more brown.
  3. Keep extra bread slices to patch up the uncovered filling area.
