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Gobi Manchurian Gravy

Gobi Manchurian is one of the most loved Indo Chinese starter as well snack. I always like having gobi manchurian which is more crispier that melts in my mouth. Thank god to this recipe that makes the dish exactly how I want. I have also found with my experiments that frying the small florets results in crispier gobi fry than the big size florets. So I always recommend you to cut florets into small and then fry them if you really like crunchy gobi fry. This is the restaurant style recipe of Gobi Manchurian gravy. For the dry Gobi Manchurian recipe please check my blog post.

Preparation Time : 20 min
Cooking Time       : 30 min
Serves                   : 2


English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
1 Medium size
Black Pepper Powder
कालीमिर्च का पाउडर
½ tsp
Ginger Garlic Paste
अदरक लहसुन पेस्ट
1 tsp
Corn Flour
मकई का आटा
¼ Cup
To taste
For deep frying
Spring Onion Greens or Coriander Leaves
हरा धनिया
For Garnishing
For the Batter :
All Purpose Flour
सभी उद्देश्य आटा / मेडा
½ Cup
Corn Flour
मकई का आटा
¼ Cup
1 tbsp
To taste
For the gravy :
1 tbsp
2 Large
शिमला मिर्च
Green Chilli
हरी मिर्च
3 to 4
Ginger Chopped
अदरक कटा हुआ
1 tsp
Garlic  Cloves
Tomato Sauce
टमाटर की चटनी
1 tbsp
Soya Sauce
सोया सॉस
1 tsp
Schezwan Sauce (Optional)
Schezwan सॉस
2 tsp
Corn Flour
मकई का आटा
2 tsp
1 tbsp
To taste


1)Cut cauliflower into small florets and wash well. In a vessel add water and salt and boil cauliflower for 4 minutes. You have to cook only 40%. Drain the water using a colander and place under a running water to stop further cooking.
2)Add drained cauliflower florets into bowl and sprinkle black pepper powder, salt, corn flour and ginger garlic paste. You have to refrigerate this marination for 30 minutes.

3)Prepare the batter to coat and fry gobi by adding all the ingredients mentioned under “For the batter” in a bowl. Add ice cold water to prepare a medium thick paste.

4)Add marinated gobi into the batter and deep fry them in a high flame for first one minute then medium flame until they are crisp and golden.

Preparing the Manchurian gravy:

1)Heat a kadai and add oil. Add finely chopped ginger and garlic, slit green chillies and cubed Onion. Fry onion till they soften.

2)Add cubed capsicum and stir for about a minute. Add three types of sauce mentioned in ingredients one by one and keep stirring.

3)Meanwhile prepare a corn flour slurry by mixing corn flour in water. Reduce the flame to low and add corn flour slurry to the sauce mix.

4)Stir till it slightly thickens. You can serve gobi Manchurian in two ways here. One method is by mixing the fried florets into the sauce mix. 

5)And second method by assembling the fried gobi in a serving bowl and drizzle some sauce mix over it.
6)Serving by second method remains gobi Manchurian gravy crunchy for little longer duration. Garnish with chopped spring onion greens or coriander leaves.
