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Soft idli recipe

Idli which is a traditional breakfast dish of every South Indian household is prepared from dosa rice and urad dal. There are variety of idli’s such as rava idli, mallige idli, rice idli, stuffed idli and so on. I often like having idli with dalitoy, a traditional dal rasam prepared from tuvar dal and it is of Konkani cuisine. And I always used to wonder how to make soft like south Indian restaurants serving Idli’s. Then I got to know that a good quality split black gram which is grounded nearly an hour till creamy texture makes idli super soft. So making soft idli depends on grinding the batter. You can also prepare many dishes from left over idli batter which I am going to post in my blog in coming days.

Prep time           Cook time          Total time
8 Hrs 30 min     20 min                8 hrs 50 min

Author: Home Chefs Cooking
Recipe type: Breakfast
Cuisine: South Indian
Serves: 4 Servings

Dosa rice 1.5 Cup
Urad Dal/ Split black gram ½ Cup
Fenugreek Seeds (Optional) ½ tsp
Salt to taste


1.Wash and soak dosa rice along with fenugreek seeds together for at least 4 hours. Also wash and soak urad dal for 4 hours.

2.Drain the water completely which you have used for soaking. Using a wet grinder first grind urad dal by adding little by little water at regular intervals.

3.You need to grind urad dal for minimum 30 minutes till you get creamy texture. Just before removing the batter add salt to taste.

4.In a big size vessel transfer the urad dal batter. Now add drained rice along with fenugreek seeds & salt and grind only for 5 minutes by adding very little water.

5.The rice should be ground coarse till you get semolina (rava) texture. Mix the coarsely ground rice batter to the urad dal batter. Your idli batter is ready to ferment.

6.Add half cup of water to the grinder, collect the left out batter and pour this water over idli batter.

7.Allow the batter to ferment for at least 8 hours and more than 15 hours in cold region.

8.Next day the fermented batter will rise. If any water content is present on top of the batter throw it away gently before mixing it.

9.Mix the idli batter well and its consistency should be thicker than the dosa batter. If it is too thick then add little quantity of water.

10.Pour water to the steamer and heat till you get rolling boil. Meanwhile grease the idli moulds and pour the batter, tap once and keep aside.

11.When the water in the steamer starts boiling place the idli moulds and steam for about 15 to 20 minutes.

12.Just before turning off the flame with the help of toothpick or knife check if the idli’s are perfectly cooked.

13.Do not try to unmold idli when it is too hot because it will break. Allow it to cool for a while.

14.Transfer idli into an steel bowl and keep inside hot steamer without turning on flames for few more minutes.

15.Serve hot idli’s along with chutneys of your choice and with piping hot sambhar.


1.By adding fenugreek seeds you can prepare dosa from the same idli batter. Add little water to the batter to get dosa batter consistency.
2.To make idli’s soft like sponge you need to buy a good quality urad dal and grind for long time till you get creamy texture.
3.Grinding batter using wet grinder than mixer grinder gives a good result.
4.Use big vessel to place batter as after fermentation it will rise till top.
5.Place the idli moulds into the steamer only after water is boiled and steam is generated inside.
