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Banana Tava Fry / Pikkile Kele Podi

If you have banana's that are over ripe and you do not like to eat them, then you can prepare a tasty dish that just waters your mouth. You can cut them add  some ingredients and shallow fry on tava. It taste sweet, spicy, salty you can get all the flavors by adding very few ingredients.

Preparation Time : 5 min
Cooking Time      : 15 min
Serves                  : 4

Ingredients :

English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Ripe Banana
पका केला
Red Chilli Powder
लाल मिर्च पाउडर
1 tbsp
1/4 tbsp
To taste
1/4 Cup
2 tbsp

Preparation ::

  1. Remove the skin of banana and make a thick slice of them.
  2. Sprinkle chilli powder, asafoetida and salt above slices and mix well.
  3. Heat a tava in a medium flame and grease it with oil. Meanwhile place semolina in a plate which is required to coat the banana slices.
  4. When enough heat is transferred, dip each slices of banana into semolina and place them on tava.
  5. Coat all the slices and shallow fry them by drizzling oil. Close the tava with a plate or lid. You need to cook them on very low flame and it may take around 15 minutes to cook both the side.
  6. Open the lid and flip the slices. Drizzle oil again. When it is roasted well and crisp remove from heat and serve them plain or as a side for lunch/dinner. 
