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Rava Upma / Uppittu

This is a delicious breakfast food which is also called as Uppittu in Kannada. This is a common and regular dish that most of the South Indian's prepare for their breakfast. The preparation will consume very less amount of time and specially when you are in hurry this is the best dish I will suggest you to prepare. You can also prepare Vegetable Upma by adding extra ingredient to Uppittu.

Preparation Time : 5 min
Cooking Time       : 15 min
Serves                   : 4

Ingredients ::

English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Semolina (Bombay Rava)
सूजी / रवा
1 Cup
3 tbsp
Urad Daal
उड़द दाल
1 tbsp
Mustard Seeds
सरसों के बीज
1 tbsp
Curry Leaves
करी पत्ते
Cumin Seeds (Optional)
1/4 tbsp
Green Chilli
हरी मिर्च
Freshly grated Coconut
किसा हुआ नारियल
1/4 Cup
Boiled Hot Water
उबला हुआ गरम पानी
2 1/2 Cup
To taste
Coriander Leaves
हरा धनिया
For Garnishing

Preparation :

  1. In a vessel pour given quantity of water and boil till it bubbles out.
  2. Heat a Wide bottomed non stick pan in a medium flame, drizzle oil and add urad daal. When you get a nice aroma of urad daal add mustard seeds. Let it Crackle and add curry leaves.
  3. Also add cumin seeds, green chilli which is slit in to half and saute well.
  4. Now lower the flame and add semolina. Keep sauting without leaving hand for about one minute. You need to check when you roast semolina because it will get burnt soon.
  5. Do not allow to change its color. Now you have to add hot water, When you start pouring water keep sauting continuously otherwise there will be formation of lumps.
  6. Also remember to be careful while pouring hot water. Now add salt, grated coconut and coriander leaves and mix well.
  7. This mixture will turn from liquid to solid within few seconds. Turn off the flame and serve hot along with wafers, Chivda Mixture or you can serve plain. 


Thanks :-) Will get back to you .