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Jeere Meere Kadi

Jeere Meere Kadi is a traditional Konkani cuisine is prepared from Cumin Seeds and Pepper as a main ingredient. This is a kind of "Rasam" based on coconut usually served as a side dish for rice. In olden days konkan people used to prepare this kadi mainly during rainy season and during off-season of vegetables. This kadi is also good for health. "Jeere" means Cumin Seeds and "Meere" means Black Pepper. You can call kadi as "rasam" or soup.

Preparation Time : 10 min
Cooking Time      : 12 min
Serves                  : 4

Ingredients ::

English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Freshly Grated Coconut
किसा हुआ नारियल
3/4 Cup
Dry Red Chillies
सूखी लाल मिर्च
Tamarind Paste
1/2  tbsp
Cumin Seeds
1/2 tbsp
Black Pepper
1/2 tbsp
Garlic Pods
लहसुन फली
2 tbsp
For the Kadi
To taste

Preparation ::

  1. In a small frying pan add half tbsp oil and roast cumin seeds and Black Pepper and keep aside.
  2. You need to prepare the masala for the kadi. So in a blender add freshly grated coconut, roasted dry red chillies, tamarind paste along with water to a fine paste.
  3. Before taking the grounded masala add roasted Pepper-Cumin seeds and grind once again for few seconds.
  4. Place the masala in a bowl and add 1/2 cup water to the blender collect masala remains and place masala water in another bowl.
  5. In a vessel add the grounded masala and place in a stove. Add salt and masala water as well, your consistency should be similar to that of thick Sambhar.
  6. Add water to the consistency you like to get. Let it cook in a medium flame.
  7. Mean while heat small pan and add remaining oil. Gently press garlic pods with spoon or any weight  so that it will open up little and roast it.
  8. When your kadi start boiling add hot tempering of garlic in it and close with a lid. Turn off the flame.
  9. Serve hot kadi with rice. Some will also like it with dosa's.

Note :
  1. For tempering you can use roasted mustard seeds and curry leaves instead of Garlic.
  2. The reason not to put garlic pods directly in oil because it will splutter and some time it may harm portion of your skin.
