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Taushe Bhakri / Cucumber Dosa

"Taushe Bhakri" is a round flat unleavened bread prepared from Cucumber. In konkani "Taushe" means cucumber and Bhakri is Marathi word which means flat bread. This is a Konkani breakfast dish which is prepared mostly in the Konkan region of India. This is very easy to prepare and a healthy breakfast platter. 

Preparation Time : 10 min
Cooking Time       : 25 min
Serves                   : 4

Ingredients ::

English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Grated Cucumber
किसा हुआ ककड़ी
1 Cup
Semolina (Bombay rava)
1 Cup
Green Chillies
हरी मिर्च
Freshly grated coconut
किसा हुआ नारियल
3 tbsp
A small piece
Curry Leaves
करी पत्ते
1 tbsp
For greasing
1/4 Cup
To taste

Preparation ::

  1. Wash cucumber well and grate it with its skin on. Place the grated cucumber in a bowl and add semolina, finely chopped green chillies, grated coconut, finely chopped ginger, curry leaves, jaggery and salt.
  2. Mix well so that all the flavors get nicely mixed.  The consistency of the batter should be thick and coarse. Add little water if you feel its too thick.
  3. Heat a tava in a medium flame and drizzle few drops of oil. When tava is heated take a medium portion of batter into your hand and place onto tava. Press them gently and spread a small dosa. You can spread 4-5 bhakri's depending upon the size of your tava.
  4. You can also use spoon if you are not comfortable using hand. Close it with a lid and reduce your flame to low. You have to bake them in a very low flame otherwise the bhakri will give you golden brown color but inside it remains uncooked.
  5. After few minutes open the lid and add few drops of oil onto every bhakri's and flip them. Let both the sides cook evenly and remove from the heat when it is done.
  6. You can serve them plain with a cup of Tea/Coffee. You can also add butter above bhakri's while serving.
If you would like to try more breakfast dishes of Semolina then do try Rava Upma and Vegetable Upma
