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Showing posts from May, 2015

Taikile Sanna Polo / Tora Leaves Spicy Dosa

Taikile Sanna Polo is a konkani dish prepared by using Tora Leaves which is an important weed grows mainly in South Asia. It has got healthy benefits as well. "Taikilo" means Tora Leaves in Konkani and "Sanna Polo" means small spicy dosa. A chopped tora leaves and onion is mixed to a spicy batter made of grated coconut and dry chillies and dosa of small shapes are spread in Tava. This goes good along with rice and Daalitoy / Saaru . Preparation Time : 15 min Cook Time           : 30 min Serves                 : 4 Ingredients :: English Name For Ingredients Hindi Names For Ingredients Quantity Idli Rice इडली चावल 1/2 Cup Tora Leaves (Chaopped) तोरा पत्ते (कटा हुआ) 1/2 Cup Onion (Chopped) प्याज (कटा हुआ) 1 Large Freshly Grated Coconut किसा हुआ नारियल 1/2 Cup Toor Daal(Optional) तूर दाल 2 tbsp Dry Red Chillies सूखी लाल मिर्च

Masala Eggs

Preparation Time : 15 min Cooking Time      : 15 min Serves                  : 4 Ingredients :: English Name For Ingredients Hindi Names For Ingredients Quantity Boiled Eggs उबले अंडे 6 Onion प्याज 2 Medium Tomato टमाटर 2 Medium Red Chilli Powder लाल मिर्च पाउडर 1 tbsp Turmeric Powder हल्दी पाउडर 1/4 tbsp Garam Masala Powder गरम मसाला पाउडर 1 tbsp Curry Leaves करी पत्ते 10 numbers Ginger Garlic Paste अदरक लहसुन पेस्ट 1 tbsp Cumin Seeds जीरा 1/4 tbsp Mustard Seeds सरसों के बीज 1/2 tbsp Oil तेल 2 tbsp Lemon Juice नींबू का रस 1/2 tbsp Coriander Leaves हरा धनिया For Garnishing Salt नमक To taste Preparation : Wash the eggs gently and boil in water for about 10-15 minutes. Allow it to cool f

Raw Banana Fritters / Balekayi Bajji

This is one of the famous street food which you can normally find in Bangalore and people call it as "Balekayi Bajji". Mangaloreans call them as "Kayi Parndh Podi". Well its all about this delicious tasty fritters which is a perfect snack to enjoy in the evening. This is very easy to prepare and it do not take much time as well.  Here is a recipe for you guys. Preparation Time  : 10 min Cooking Time        : 20 min Serves                    : 4 Ingredients :: English Name For Ingredients Hindi Names For Ingredients Quantity Raw Banana कच्चा केला 2 Gram Flour बेसन 1/2 Cup Red Chilli Powder लाल मिर्च पाउडर 1 tbsp Asafoetida हींग A pinch Carom Seeds अजवाइन A pinch Cooking Soda खाना पकाने सोडा A Pinch Salt नमक To taste Oil तेल For deep Frying Preparations : Peel off t

Brinjal / Egg Plant Gojju ( Gulla Bajji)

This is a konkani dish served as a side dish along with rice. This is prepared by roasting the brinjal in char coal but now a days it is difficult to find the charcoal so you can also roast it using gas. This taste good if you prepare using "Matti Gulla" but you can also use green brinjal which is called as Vaygan in konkani and also using egg plants. Gulla bajji or gojju is a dish named in konkani where " gulla" means brinjal and bajji or gojju means roasted and seasoned brinjal. Matti gulla is a type of  brinjal grown in a village called "Mattu" near Udupi. The taste of this brinjal varies from that of normal brinjal which costs around 90 Rs. during the beginning of season. I have taken green brinjal for making bajji. You can check the preparation procedure in pictorial form for your convenience. Preparation Time : 5 min Cooking Time      : 15 min Serves                  : 2-3  Ingredients :: English Name For Ingredie