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Bread Fruit Fritters / Jeev Kadgi Podi

Preparation Time  : 15 min
Cooking Time       : 20 min
Serves                   : 4

There are many different recipe's to prepare bread fruit fritters but this recipe is of my dear Grand maa which is my favorite. I am sharing this recipe with you guys do try and let me know if you liked it or not.

Ingredients :

English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Bread Fruit
कटहल का एक प्रकार
1 Medium
Rice Flour
चावल का आटा
1/2 Cup
Red Chilli Powder
लाल मिर्च पाउडर
2 tbsp
A Pinch
To Taste
For deep frying

Preparations :
  1. Peel off the skin of bread fruit, cut into half and make a slices as shown in the picture. Wash the bread fruit slices well and drain water.
  2. Add Salt, red chilli powder and asafoetida and mix well. Keep it for 15 minutes and let it absorb all the flavor.
  3. In a deep frying pan add oil for frying. Dip every slice of bread fruit pieces into rice flour and leave onto oil one by one.
  4. After few minutes flip the slices to other side and fry. When it is crisp and brown remove onto absorbent paper.
  5. Serve hot along with the cup of tea/coffee.
