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Taikile Sanna Polo / Tora Leaves Spicy Dosa

Taikile Sanna Polo is a konkani dish prepared by using Tora Leaves which is an important weed grows mainly in South Asia. It has got healthy benefits as well. "Taikilo" means Tora Leaves in Konkani and "Sanna Polo" means small spicy dosa. A chopped tora leaves and onion is mixed to a spicy batter made of grated coconut and dry chillies and dosa of small shapes are spread in Tava. This goes good along with rice and Daalitoy / Saaru.

Preparation Time : 15 min
Cook Time           : 30 min
Serves                 : 4

Ingredients ::

English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Idli Rice
इडली चावल
1/2 Cup
Tora Leaves (Chaopped)
तोरा पत्ते (कटा हुआ)
1/2 Cup
Onion (Chopped)
प्याज (कटा हुआ)
1 Large
Freshly Grated Coconut
किसा हुआ नारियल
1/2 Cup
Toor Daal(Optional)
तूर दाल
2 tbsp
Dry Red Chillies
सूखी लाल मिर्च
1/4 tbsp
1/2 tbsp
To Taste
For grinding
For greasing

Preparations ::

  1. Chop onion and washed tora leaves into thin pieces and keep aside.
  2. Soak rice and toor daal for half an hour, wash well and drain.
  3. In a blender add freshly grated coconut, drained rice and toor daal, dry red chillies and tamarind. Add about 1/4 cup water and grind to a thick paste.
  4. Before taking the masala add asafoetida and salt and grind for few more seconds.
  5. Mix chopped onion and tora leaves, check if the spiciness and salt is proper. You are batter is ready.
  6. Heat a tava grease it with oil. Take a spoonful of batter and spread it into small round shape (like a small dosa) similarly you can spread 3 -4 dosa in a tava at a time depending upon the size of tava that you have.
  7. Reduce the flame to very low, close the tava with a lid. After 5 minutes open the lid sprinkle few drops of oil and flip them. Again close the lid and let it cook for about 10-12 minutes in a simmer.
  8. Remove the dosa's after both the side are cooked properly. Serve hot as a side dish for lunch.

  1. After grinding the masala you can add chilli powder if you like more spicy.
  2. Use roasted dry red chillies. In a pan add 2 tbsp oil and roast in a very low flame.
  3. onion takes lot of time to cook , that is the reason you need to cook these dosa's in a very low flame. In a high flame it gets burnt very spoon and the veggie's remain uncooked.
  4. You can use only onions if you doesn't like to add tora leaves. You can also add shredded cabbage along with onions.


Unknown said…
Thanks for this delicious recipe !!