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Pathrode / Pathrado / Colocasia Leaves Roll

Preparation Time : 30 min
Cooking Time      : 30 min
Serves                  : 4-5
English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Colocasia Leaves
पत्रा के पान
Freshly grated coconut
किसा हुआ नारियल
1/2 Coconut
Dry red Chillies
सूखी लाल मिर्च
1/2 tbsp
3/4 tbsp
Idly Rice
1 Cup
To taste

Preparations :

  1. Wash rice and soak in water for half an hour. Drain the rice and keep aside.
  2. Grind the masala using blender. Firstly grind grated coconut, dry red chillies and tamarind using water.
  3. Let the masala be thick so do not add more water while grinding.
  4. Add rice and blend again. Add asafoetida and salt grind for few seconds and Place the grounded masala in a bowl.
  5. Use fresh colocasia leaves which are not itchy otherwise it can be itchy to the throat and tongue even while preparing the pathrode. Wash well before applying the masala.
  6. First take the biggest leaf with veins facing you and coat a thin layer of masala all over the leaf. Place the second leaf on top of the first leaf and coat well again.
  7. Repeat this procedure same way by keeping 10-15 leaves and roll it very tightly. Cut the roll into pieces of 1 inch thickness.
  8. Place these rolls in a greased steamer or pressure cooker without whistle for 25-30 minutes and cook it properly.
  9. Serve hot along with the topping of coconut oil/butter or curd.
Fried Pathrode :
If you like to have crispy pathrode pieces then you can shallow fry them in tava by sprinkling oil both the side while frying.

1.You can place the entire rolls in the steamer/cooker and later you can cut into pieces.
2.Check if the leaves are properly cooked, this is another reason for causing itchiness in throat.
