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Surai Ukde Polo / White & Parboiled Rice Dosa

Preparation Time : 15 min
Soak Time            : 5 Hours
Serves                  : 4

This is one of the type of dosa which is prepared in South Canara and Konkan region of India. This delicious konkani dish is very simple to prepare where white rice and parboiled rice is used in equal proportion. In konkani language Surai means white rice and Ukde means Parboiled rice. "Polo" means dosa. Enjoy this dish for breakfast.

Ingredients :

English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Dosa Rice/ White Rice
डोसा चावल / सफेद चावल
1 Cup
Parboiled Rice
उसना चावल
1 Cup
Freshly Grated Coconut
किसा हुआ नारियल
1 Cup
For greasing
To taste
For Grinding

Preparations :
  1. Soak white rice and parboiled rice together in water for atleast 5 hours. Wash well and drain them.
  2. Prepare the batter in a blender by adding drained rice and grated coconut together.
  3. Let the batter be thick and there should not be any remaining of rice particle.
  4. Add salt and mix well and allow it to ferment for 8 hours. Your dosa batter is ready.
  5. In a dosa pan add few drops of oil and grease it all over. In a medium flame, Take a ladle full of batter and pour over a pan. Spread to form a dosa.
  6. Close it with a lid. This takes extra few minutes to cook than the normal dosa's. After few minutes open the lid drizzle some oil and flip on other side. Cook both the sides properly and remove onto plate.
  7. Serve hot along with the chutney's of your like.
