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Rice Rava Balls (Undi / Pundi)

Preparation Time : 15 min
Cooking Time      : 15 min
Serves                  : 4

This is a Mangalorean cuisine and prepared as s breakfast dish. In Konkani the rava balls is called as "Undi" and in Tulu it is called as "Pundi". This is one of the favorite dish of Mangloreans.

Ingredients :

English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Rice Rava or Rice Sooji
चावल सूजी
1 Cup
2 1/2 Cup
3 tbsp
Urad Daal
उड़द दाल
1 tbsp
Mustard Seeds
सरसों के बीज
1 tbsp
Fenugreek Seeds
मेथी के बीज
Curry Leaves
करी पत्ते
Freshly Grated Coconut
किसा हुआ नारियल
3/4 Cup
To taste

Preparations :
  1. Heat a skillet in a medium flame and sprinkle oil.  When oil is heated add urad daal and mustard seeds let mustards crackle, add fenugreek seeds, curry leaves, water and salt.
  2. Saute for few seconds and allow water to boil , when it bubbles out add rice rava and stir without leaving hand. It is because it will form lumps when you leave without stirring.  
  3. Add freshly grated coconut and mix well until  the water content evaporates and it gets dry. Turn off the flame.
  4. Let this batter cool for a while. Apply little water into hand take a big lemon size batter into hand and give a round shape. Then make a small hole anywhere as you can see in the picture. Repeat this procedure.
  5. Heat a steamer/ Cooker and place these balls into it and steam it for 15 minutes. Your Undi/Rice balls are ready.
  6. Serve hot with the topping of coconut oil or along with chutney's, Pickle, Jaggery coconut Paaka or any curry of your like.

Note :
Do not cool the batter completely because it will turn hard.
