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Aamras / Sweet Mango Pulp

Preparation Time : 10 min
Serves                   : 4

This is a dessert from the region of Gujarath and Maharashtra. "Aam Ras " this dish is named in Hindi language where "Aam" means Mango and "Ras" means juice. Traditional this dish is served with pooris. But you can also serve along with chapathi's or as a sweet dish.

Ingredients ::

English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Alphonso Mangoes
अलफांसो आमों
2 or 3
Cardamom Powder
इलायची पाउडर
1/2 tbsp
1/4 Cup or as required
5 tbsp or as required
Saffron Strands(Optional)
केसर किस्में (वैकल्पिक)
A pinch

Preparation :

  1. Peel off the mangoes, chop into small cubes. Take a blender, add chopped mangoes and blend to a smooth pulp.
  2. If you feel it is not sweet then add sugar till you get the desired sweetness. You can also add milk the pulp is too thick. Blend again and take in a bowl.
  3. Add cardamom powder and saffron strands and mix well. Refrigerate it to make it chill and serve along with hot pooris.


You can also add jaggery instead of sugar. Adjust the quantity according to the taste you like to get.
Do not add too much milk as it will become a drink.
