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Brinjal / Egg Plant Gojju ( Gulla Bajji)

This is a konkani dish served as a side dish along with rice. This is prepared by roasting the brinjal in char coal but now a days it is difficult to find the charcoal so you can also roast it using gas. This taste good if you prepare using "Matti Gulla" but you can also use green brinjal which is called as Vaygan in konkani and also using egg plants. Gulla bajji or gojju is a dish named in konkani where " gulla" means brinjal and bajji or gojju means roasted and seasoned brinjal. Matti gulla is a type of  brinjal grown in a village called "Mattu" near Udupi. The taste of this brinjal varies from that of normal brinjal which costs around 90 Rs. during the beginning of season. I have taken green brinjal for making bajji. You can check the preparation procedure in pictorial form for your convenience.

Preparation Time : 5 min
Cooking Time      : 15 min
Serves                  : 2-3 

Ingredients ::

English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Brinjal/Egg Plant
Freshly grated Coconut
किसा हुआ नारियल
2 tbsp
Green Chillies
हरी मिर्च
1 or 2
A Pinch
Tamarind Paste
इमली पेस्ट
1/2 tbsp
To taste
2 tbsp

Preparations :

  1. Wash the brinjal and do not remove its stem portion as it will be easy for you to hold while smoking it.
  2. If you have charcoal smoke it so that its inner portion is baked properly. Otherwise you can use gas, in a simmer place brinjal above the gas and keep rotating every few seconds.
  3. You need approximately 15 minutes to roast brinjal in gas. Roast uniformaly all over so that it cooks well.
  4. Allow it to cool as your skin may burn while trying to remove its skin. So keep aside.
  5. Meanwhile grind grated coconut, green chillies, asafoetida, tamarind paste and salt using very little water say around 2-3 tbsp. Grind to a fine paste and it should be thick in consistency.
  6. Place the grounded paste in a bowl. Remove the skin off roasted brinjal and smash it in the same bowl.
  7. mix smashed brinjal and grounded paste well and check for the saltiness. Add oil and mix again. You can add water if you feel its too thick.
  8. Your Gulla bajji is ready. Serve this delicious dish along with rice. 


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