Preparation Time : 15 min (Excluding marinated time)
Cooking Time : 20 min
Serves : 4
Ingredients :
English Name For Ingredients
Hindi Names For Ingredients
Chicken Pieces
मुर्गा के टुकड़े
1/2 Kg
Chilli Powder
लाल मिर्च पाउडर
2 tbsp
Cumin Powder
जीरा पाउडर
1/2 tbsp
Coriander Powder
धनिया पाउडर
1 tbsp
Crushed Pepper
कालीमिर्च का पाउडर
1/2 tbsp
Turmeric Powder
हल्दी पाउडर
1/4 tbsp
Lemon Juice
नींबू का रस
1/2 tbsp
2 tbsp
Crushed ginger-garlic-green chilly
कुचल अदरक-लहसुन-हरी मिर्च
1 tbsp
Coriander Leaves
हरा धनिया
For garnishing
Preparation :
- Cut Chicken into medium pieces and wash well.
- Add chilli powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, crushed ginger garlic green chilly and pepper powder to chicken.
- Also add required amount of salt and lemon juice, mix well and keep aside for atleast four hours.
- Heat a deep kadai in a medium flame and drop one tbsp oil in it. Let it heat, add marinated chicken and saute for a minute.
- Close the lid and cook the chicken without using water until all the moisture content will go off.
- Open the lid and turn each chicken pieces, drop in remaining oil above the pieces.
- Let it fry from all the sides, when chicken is roasted perfectly remove from the heat.
- Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot as a starter.